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The build scripts are designed to run on unix platform (linux, mac, bsd, etc), if you on windows, try to install cygwin.

Build from sources


  • UNIX-like OS
  • Installed make
  • Installed docker


  • Create .env file. You may copy file .env.config and configure it with your options
  • To build all code, create packages, and check it with linter just run make build
    • If you build from a platform other than amd64, you may have problems with build a third party code. To resolve a problem, you have to build code in environment that are compatible with amd64. You may enable emulation, if you use docker - set variable export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 or provide option platform: linux/amd64 to a docker-compose.yml file
  • To make build only for specific platform, you may run make with specific target like buildFirefox, buildChromium, etc (see makefile for details)
    • You must build a third party code with make buildThirdparty before run specific target. Example: make prepare buildThirdparty buildFirefox
  • Artifacts is placed in build directory

Available platforms:

  • firefox
  • chrome
  • chromium: special build with auto updates not from google store


You may run development mode with make dev.

If you change a theme tokens, you also have to compile a theme files: npm run build:tokens

To debug on android, see instructions.

To make a custom translator, see translator API.


When you change code that touch any user data and interact with browser storages (localStorage, indexedDB,, etc) or some external API, you must to add or update tests for it.

The common rule is any code that just transform data should be tested.

You may a not add tests for UI, but should add tests for data.


Migrations must have app version.